Monday, 12 November 2012


Milli is our hostess for this week and have chosen the theme of 


at first I was totally blank, but I saw the light "forgive the pun" when I looked at dear Belita's entry, thank you darling for nudging me awake.........................  *smile* ..........

for more enlightening entries, go to 


  1. That is just great. I was looking for a photo of a tunnel like that, but it seems in Switzerland we don't have any light at the end.

    1. *chuckle* ...........maybe because the tunnels in Switzerland is very long and windey the whole way??

      This is actually from the 1st of the 2 Hendrik Verwoerd Tunnels in Limpopo on the way to Zimbabwe. I took it when going to see my daughter in Bulawayo.

      it is uncanny how you just get through one, then see the monument on your left and then woopsie, here is darkness again, through the next one.

      "The Verwoerd Tunnels are also known as the Hendrik Verwoerd Tunnels. They are known to be named after a former South African Prime Minister, Hendrik Verwoerd. These tunnels are built through the Waterberg Mountains and shortens the travelling distance from Johannesburg to the border of Zimbabwe."

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Image and quote perfect for this week!
    We have many many tunnels here now, what a change from old days when people had to cross the mountains and glaciers when they wanted to visit another countryside.

  3. Very good entry, Marianne :-))

  4. That certainly IS light at the end of the tunnel. Great post Marianne.

    I will try to get my post up today.

  5. Love your entry. You know, Marianne, I have several photos of tunnels and had thought of posting one of them but suddenly I changed my mind...

    1. good , otherwise I could not have stolen the idea, would have been lost in darkness ........*smile*.....Hugs.

  6. I never thought about that take on the theme - good one you crazy cucumber bearing slayer!! I like too your very clever final comment about where to go to see the other entries!! Very clever all round my friend.

    1. *chuckle* .... funny monkey, Keith. Miss you . Mwah !!

  7. Such a wonderful example for this theme Marianne. I am so happy that you saw the Light!!! I am also happy that you managed to give us all a chance to do the happy dance with you too!! I love what you have done with your site here.

    1. Thank you Milli ........ so happy you liked my entry, thank you to Belita......(_|_) (_/_) (_\_) (_|_) (_/_) (_\_)(_|_) (_/_) (_\_) for my site........ hard work, stubbornness and determination to master the bloddy site, eventually has paid off. Now I feel at home over here, gosh but a 3 month uphill battle with having to delete my original site and redo, take out a new email too, I was going bunkers and ready to give up, but had no choice. Blogger was all or nothing for all the sites. Now half has upped and run off to Blogster and I opened up there as well, to try it out, now they are running in circles with Civatar or whatever this new Smooch site or what all *grins* ....... I give up, it is so ridiculously stupid . For now am staying put.

  8. Good idea! Great picture and quote. I love that kind of pictures but only had the opportunity once to take some because I'm always driving :(
    Here's mine : My little light

    1. Thank you Kia. problem is the driver, never ever slow down when I want to take a picture *sniff*
