Monday, 18 February 2013

Good Morning ...........................

am feeling a bit sheepish this morning .....................hehe ...bah bah bah.......the story goes like this........................

 The man was away fishing and this sheep was home alone with no computer, yes, right, it was broken, seriously broken. Nothing happening, the tower comes up , the monitor is not working, nada, nix the man, he tells me just to wiggle the power connection, there might be a twisted cord, also check the power is on.

 "is on" I reply cross, am I dumb or what, the tower is working the router is on, the printer is on. Fiddle with it, give up, call darling super IT son ............ verdict "motherboard is fucked' reason being all the power cuts and power surges we have had. Okay, we are insured, so wait for Monday, to go sort it out. 

The Man comes home, goes into office and switch computer on, calls me, "it is working" ......."how?" The Monitor has its own power supply and it was knocked out slightly when the staff cleaned the office on Friday............."oh dear............"


  1. My hand is over my mouth because I am yawning.....honest!!, I'm not laughing!!.......honest!!

    1. well you have all rights in the world to laugh, considering I woke you up with my very bad news on Saturday morning, pc broken, cannot do PT LOL ...................gosh I am so very stupid, simply cannot believe it. Standing there with open mouth looking at darling man, trying so hard not to laugh at me, showing me the power supply and the plug only half way skew in ...........*chuckle*

  2. Thanks for the good laugh, Marianne! It may happen to any of us ...

  3. :) I think we have all been in similar situations
    cute sheep

  4. Oh dear Marianne. I have done that with my printer. Fortunately I checked the plugs before I went out and bought a new one. I can certainly understand your frustration though. Isn't it great we can laugh at ourselves?

  5. Lol I've had lots of those moments. Your not alone. Hugs
